Tulsi Gabbard Supports Donald Trump for 2024 Presidential Race

Tulsi Gabbard Supports Donald Trump for 2024 Presidential Race

Tulsi Gabbard expressed her support for President Trump during an appearance at Trump’s National Guard conference in Detroit on August 26. Gabbard emphasized her commitment to doing everything possible to help re-elect President Trump and highlighted the importance of standing together to reject a culture of political retaliation and abuse of power. In a tweet on August 26, 2024, Gabbard announced her endorsement of Donald Trump for President, citing her concerns about the direction of the country and the prioritization of political power over the interests of the American people. She called on all citizens who love the country and value peace and freedom to join her in supporting President Trump’s re-election.

Gabbard also praised Trump’s understanding of the responsibility of the president and commander in chief, lauding his efforts to prevent new wars and seek peaceful resolutions through diplomacy. She pointed to his courage in engaging with adversaries, dictators, allies, and partners to pursue peace and war as a last resort. Having previously served as a U.S. representative for Hawaii’s second congressional district from 2013 to 2021, Gabbard was a candidate for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 2020. Despite her earlier endorsement of a different candidate in the 2020 election, Gabbard is now firmly in support of President Trump’s bid for a second term.


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Alex Lorel

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