Secret Service Director Steps Down Following Attempted Assassination of Trump

Secret Service Director Steps Down Following Attempted Assassination of Trump

United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was sworn in before testifying before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee during a hearing in Washington, DC. The beleaguered leader of the Secret Service has pledged cooperation with all investigations following the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. Cheatle announced her resignation on July 23, anticipating a formal announcement from the Secret Service later in the day.

She stepped down after serving as director for about two years, citing recent events as the reason for her decision. During the hearing, representatives from both parties questioned Cheatle about the security lapse. She emphasized the non-political nature of their mission, stating “Our mission is not political.

It is literally a matter of life and death, as the tragic events on July 13 remind us of that.” Despite the incident in Pennsylvania raising concerns about security for the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, she expressed full confidence in the Secret Service personnel.


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Alex Lorel

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