Joe Biden’s Historic Address Upon Withdrawing From the Race

Joe Biden’s Historic Address Upon Withdrawing From the Race

On July 14, 2024, President Joe Biden delivered remarks at the White House in Washington, DC regarding the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. He was accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

During his speech, President Biden credited his predecessors and emphasized that the task of perfecting the union is not about him, but about the American people. He vowed to continue carrying out his duties as POTUS for the remaining six months of his term and promised to advocate for issues such as gun violence and Supreme Court reform.

President Biden expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve as President, stating that the sacred task of perfecting the Union is about the American people and the future of the nation. Despite forgoing re-election, he emphasized the need to pass the torch to a new generation and praised the nation’s promise and possibilities.

He recognized the support and love of the American people during his 50 years of serving the nation. President Biden’s decision to step down from the race followed persistent requests from Democrats and other public figures.

He urged the American people to keep the faith and remember the capacity they possess when united. He concluded by emphasizing that the idea of America lies in the hands of its people.


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Alex Lorel

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