What We Know About a Possible ‘Mamma Mia 3’ Sequel Movie

What We Know About a Possible ‘Mamma Mia 3’ Sequel Movie

Christine shared exciting news about the prospect of a third *Mamma Mia* movie during an interview. According to her, Judy Craymer, the producer, is planning the movie and has already discussed the narrative plotline. Christine emphasized that this is not just wishful thinking but rather a real possibility, as Craymer has a track record of making things happen. However, since the storyline is still in development, the production process has not commenced, and no release date has been set.

If production were to officially begin in 2024, the potential release date for the film could be 2025 or 2026. It seems that the producer has been working on the film’s plot for years. Judy Craymer expressed her thoughts on a third movie in 2020, and based on previous comments from the cast, they are enthusiastic about making another film. Amanda, one of the cast members, had expressed strong support for shooting another movie in a past interview.


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Alex Lorel

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