Isabella Ferrer: Actress Portraying Young Lily in ‘It Ends With Us’

Isabella Ferrer: Actress Portraying Young Lily in ‘It Ends With Us’

Isabella Ferrer attended the UK gala screening for It Ends with Us at Odeon Luxe, central London on Thursday, August 8, 2024. Although Isabella is known as “Young Lily” on the big screen, there is much more to learn about her. She graduated from drama school in 2022. In a recent interview, Isabella shared that the lead actor, Blake, told her, “I want you to know that this role is just as much yours as it is mine.” She expressed how supportive and uplifting it was to hear such words as a young actor entering the industry.

She emphasized how important it was for her to feel valued and acknowledged by someone of Blake’s status, who asked for her opinion and made her feel privileged. Isabella’s journey extends beyond her on-screen persona, and her experience with Blake portrays a supportive and inclusive atmosphere in the film industry.


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Alex Lorel

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