Matthew Perry’s Final Hours: “Administérenme una grande” – Hollywood Life

Matthew Perry’s Final Hours: “Administérenme una grande” – Hollywood Life

Iwamasa injected Perry with ketamine at 12:45 p.m. while the actor watched a movie at home. Just 40 minutes later, Perry requested another shot, asking for a big one and preparing the hot tub for the third dose. The third dose was administered while Perry was near or in the jacuzzi, and Iwamasa left the home to run errands.

When he returned, he found Perry dead, face down in the jacuzzi. Iwamasa reportedly injected Perry six to eight times per day and court documents state that he received at least 27 shots of ketamine in the five days leading up to his death. The defendants are accused of supplying Perry with more of the drug as he became increasingly desperate in the weeks leading to his death.

Plascencia mocked Perry in a text message to Dr. Chavez, writing, “I wonder how much this moron will pay.” It was later revealed that the two doctors supplied Perry with a total of 22 vials of ketamine and ketamine lozenges obtained through a fraudulent prescription. Plascencia, known as “Dr. P.,” instructed Iwamasa on how and where to inject ketamine into Perry’s body, which Iwamasa did without any medical training.

“Found the sweet spot but trying different places led to running out,” Iwamasa texted Plascencia on Oct. 4, according to court documents.


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Alex Lorel

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