Barack Obama delivers impactful speech at 2024 DNC: Watch

Barack Obama delivers impactful speech at 2024 DNC: Watch

Barack Obama reflected on his past presidency and emphasized the significance of his decision to ask Joe Biden to serve as his vice president. He highlighted their differences and the close bond that developed during their time working together.

Barack expressed admiration for Biden’s empathy, decency, resilience, and belief in providing everyone with a fair opportunity. During their time in the White House, Barack and Joe gained popularity for their friendship and unique communication styles.

With Joe stepping down from re-election, Barack predicted that history would remember him as an exceptional president who defended democracy in a period of great uncertainty. Barack expressed pride in calling Joe his friend and the prospect of a new chapter in America, looking forward to a presidency led by Kamala Harris.

He praised Harris for her commitment to advocating for those in need and set a motivating tone, urging the audience to support Harris and her running mate in the 2024 election.


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Alex Lorel

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