Bristol Palin’s Son Tripp Expresses Desire to Live with His Dad via Text, Reveals Bristol – Hollywood Life

Bristol Palin’s Son Tripp Expresses Desire to Live with His Dad via Text, Reveals Bristol – Hollywood Life

Bristol Palin visited “The Jenny McCarthy Show” at the SiriusXM studios in New York City on September 18, 2018. She revealed that her son, Tripp, used to spend time in Alaska with her ex, and then returned to her in Texas. She splits her time with her daughters equally with her ex as well.

She expressed how much this change has affected her, stating that it has altered the dynamics of their family. Palin acknowledged that while she selfishly wants her son with her, she understands his need for a relationship with his father. She explained that she needs to support and strengthen the father-son relationship and cannot be selfish about wanting him with her forever.

She also mentioned that Tripp believes being closer to his dad and their entire family in Alaska is the best arrangement for now. Earlier this month, Palin shared on Instagram that Tripp has chosen to finish high school in Alaska, which means he will not be living with her in Texas. She expressed the difficulty of seeing her daughters off to school with a piece of her heart missing, referring to Tripp.


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Alex Lorel

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